About this project

American SUVs are out of competition in the global car market. These cars attract attention, they are reliable and powerful, and in terms of cross-country ability, they have no equal. Behind the wheel of such a car, you feel like a king of the road. All our team members are loyal fans of these vehicles. For many years we drove them, on city highways and forest trails. We’ve been in all sorts of situations from simple maintenance to breakdowns away from service stations.

And our goal in creating this project was to share our experience, and the useful information we know, and give advice to beginners. Surfing the Internet for technical information, we often wasted a lot of time. Because the information found on various sites and forums is not structured, sometimes not correct, or simply outdated and not relevant. And of course tons of spam, flooding from which everyone is tired.

That’s why we created this project so that people could quickly find the information they need with minimal time consumption. Time is precious.

We hope that our project will be useful to you and you without hesitation can recommend it to friends.